L’économie en questions

Name of Podcast: L’économie en questions

What topics are covered: This podcast talks about The Economy.

Why is it good to listen to? The host uses informal language and speaks with dynamism.

You can subscribe or listen to the podcast by finding “L’économie en questions” on iTunes.

How often are the podcasts updated? The podcasts are updated on a weekly basis, on Saturday.

Length of each podcast: Each episode is one hour long.

Podcast Description:

L’économie en questions is a podcast broadcast on Radio France Culture. Dominique Rousset, producer and host, presents it. Every Saturday from 11am to 12pm, four economists, economics professors and / or researchers among the most recognized, debate about economic news of the week in France and worldwide. They try to explain these topics by comparing their analysis. They try to specify these topics with economic theory or the history of economic thought, to anticipate future developments.

This podcast talks about topics such as the regulation of international finance, the future of the industry, environmental issues, employment, or the labour market.

These podcast bring together or in opposing positions on a very regular basis Patrick Artus, Philippe Askenazy, Nicolas Baverez, Elise Huillery, Philippe Martin, Jacques Mistral, Olivier Pastré, Dominique Plihon, Xavier Timbeau, and David Thesmar. Other economists sometimes join them and contribute on topics they are experts. This podcast on the economy is interesting because it brings together many specialists who confront their ideas and point of view.

Summary: This podcast is perfect for people who are interested in The Economy and want to listen to high-level debates in French.


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