Ca reste entre nous Podcast

Name of Podcast: Ca reste entre nous

What topics are covered: This podcast is a talk show.

Why is it good to listen to? The host of this podcast speaks in informal French; however, he speaks very fast, which can be difficult to understand sometimes. The guests can have various accents, and can speak slower than the host does.

You can subscribe or listen to the podcast by finding “Ca reste entre nous” on iTunes.

How often are the podcasts updated? Every Wednesday, a new podcast is broadcast.

Length of each podcast: Each episode is about 1 hour and 30 minutes long.

Podcast Description: Sacha Bonnetête and three columnists present Ca reste entre nous. It is a traditional talk show, meaning the essence of the show is the interaction with their guests. The podcast allows the guest to entertain and educate the audience.
Each episode is divided into two parts, as there are two guests. They talk about the latest happenings of the guest who can be a singer, a comedian, or a media personality.

The interviews are interspersed with different features presented by the host or the co-hosts. These topics are:
– Movies: the outputs of the week
– Around the Web: analysis of different buzz from the web
– Unusual News
– Quiz news: a question is asked and columnists must find what news the question refers to.
The atmosphere of the show is cheerful because there is a good chemistry between the participants and the guests.

Summary: In this podcast, the host invites various famous guests and interviews them with humour. This podcast is intended for young people.

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